Win Either Half

Time League Match Tip Score
19:00 INT Leicester VS Palermo HWEH 0 : 1
16:00 LIT Babrungas VS Garliava HWEH 5 : 0
19:15 SWI 2 Etoile-Carouge VS Xamax AWEH 3 : 1
14:00 FIN Mikkeli VS SJK Akatemia AWEH :
Time League Match Tip
16:00 CZE FK Pardubice VS Karvina HWEH
15:00 NOR KFUM OslO VS Bodo/Glimt AWEH
15:00 DEN Nordsjaelland VS Midtjylland HWEH


Win Either Half Prediction is when a team wins in any half Time (both First and Second). In other words a team predicted to win in either half must win in both halves. This prediction could be Home Win Either Half (HWEH) or Away Win either half (AWEH) Predictions. The team you backed must win in any half time of play for this prediction to be valid; That is, the supporting team must win in either halves. Moreso, a team predicted to win in either halves must win in either the first half or Second Half. Today's banker predictions for winning either half. The win Either Half is categorised into two, namely;
  1. Home Win Either Half or HWEH Predictions
  2. Away Win Either Half or AWEH Predictions

1. Home Win Either Half (HWEH) Predictions Explained

By Home win Either Half predictions or HWEH Predictions , the Home Team winning in both first half or Second halves. But If at the end of 40 Minutes and 90 Minutes the Home Team doesn’t win, then the game fails.

2. Away Win Either Half (AWEH) Predictions Explained?

By Away Win Either Half Predictions or AWEH Predictions, the Away team must win in either the first or Second half of playing time (i.e 90 minutes). However, If at the end of 40 Minutes and 90 Minutes the Away Team doesn’t win, then the game fails.